Its good to socialize

Its good to socialize
It's good to socialize, it keeps you healthy

Happy mind, happy life

Happy mind, happy life
Happy mind, happy life

Sunday, September 25, 2011

                                                                        The First Amendment
Their was only one idea that popped up in my mind when I read that article, and that is... controversial because think about it, if the government starts to get involved in what you say on Facebook and  teachers can start punishing you for what you write there will be trouble . First of all, kids will get very angry because schools are snooping around in their personal life. Lets just say you have a good relationship with a teacher, then because of a new law that same teacher discovers you went out with your buddy's and got drunk . Best case scenario the teacher will be OK with it or judging by the article explaining the attitude of american teachers he will loose respect for the child  and ultimately not like him anymore. Then the student will be in a class room knowing that the teacher does not like him. To sum up that example, it is a major invasion of privacy, it could potentially ruin his or hers life and to make things worse it is the only haven for teens that parents, education and hopefully the government has no access to, so lets keep it that way. You must also put yourself in the teachers shoes, since the beginning of time people in general don't like being criticized and insulted, let alone behind their backs, therefor on a personal level, teachers would want to know what people are saying about them and what they are being criticized about. So that is a very fair request to know what is going on but I think the governmental approval is excessive. My second point is if the government gets involved chances are kids and maybe even adults will be turned of and therefor not want to use those sites anymore and company's like Facebook will loose revenue and then will probably loose money and they will sue to get the wrights and money lost back. Further more, freedom of speech will become more important then ever if limits are put because people fought for that right and just to take it away because teens are blowing off steam about something or someone is absurd and will anger a lot of people. Here is the link that explains the stats and studies that have been performed First Amendment. The following link  is very extreme but I think it proves a point because with out Facebook or even if restrictions are put on people like Joseph Frederick will start immersing more and doing stupid things so that is why it is almost crucial to keep Facebook alive and running.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

That is a good question and to answer it i would take my digital citizen ship very seriously because i have had many cases where people have put pictures of myself without my permission and i do not appreciate that so as a digital citizen i feel like i am lacking a freedom when comes to something as personal as a picture of me. I am generally fairly open to things.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What makes society develop?

This is a very interesting question because in the past there used to be no seat belts, then what happened? It is the same question because it is not what makes society develop but how to make life easier, to prevent less deaths and injuries.Take motorcycles for another example, they put the law down in Quebec where cyclists had to put on a helmet, because before that people where dying right, left and center due to hitting a car and then flying over them. Interestingly enough my step mom's cousin is a doctor and calls motorcyclists, donor cycles because usually what end's up happening is that people who drive them die and donate their organs. Here is a web site where there are some stats on accidents that happened threw the years.Motorcycle accidents

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hey everyone, I am writing to tell you I have a passion for skiing. Ever since i was little i loved it,every Friday when we could, my mom, brother and i went to ST Sauveur to learn how to ski.Through years of awesome shredding and crashing i have learnt the ways to become someday a true skier.Every time I go down a hill i love the feel of pure adrenaline rushing through me. When i am in the air, the split second when you realize your airborne and there was a guy who crashed down the slope is  when i believe, one of the moments where your the most alive and concise about what is going on.Compared to a particularly boring situation(anything you can think of is good enough).Here is an awesome ski forum so you can jump into the awesome world of skiing (New schoolers)