Its good to socialize

Its good to socialize
It's good to socialize, it keeps you healthy

Happy mind, happy life

Happy mind, happy life
Happy mind, happy life

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What makes society develop?

This is a very interesting question because in the past there used to be no seat belts, then what happened? It is the same question because it is not what makes society develop but how to make life easier, to prevent less deaths and injuries.Take motorcycles for another example, they put the law down in Quebec where cyclists had to put on a helmet, because before that people where dying right, left and center due to hitting a car and then flying over them. Interestingly enough my step mom's cousin is a doctor and calls motorcyclists, donor cycles because usually what end's up happening is that people who drive them die and donate their organs. Here is a web site where there are some stats on accidents that happened threw the years.Motorcycle accidents

1 comment:

  1. That's true I agree with what you said. Society evolves accordingly to death's. Once people realise that it is life threatening they will react differently to just getting hurt. Like you said most motorcyclist will end up dying because of the danger involved with a motorcycle. The government wants to end motorcycle but there are to many rider to end it. Therefore the cost of insurance for a motorcycle is so high.
